Thursday, October 15, 2015

Shameless Plug: Support Public Radio!

For those of you that live in Atlanta, you may have noticed that WABE, our local NPR station, has begun its semi-annual pledge drive, and if you're a public radio listener, I highly encourage you to make a contribution.  After years of free-riding, my wife and I became sustaining members a few years ago, and the financial pain of our monthly contribution was more than compensated for by a sense of belonging to a community of amazing people who care about understanding their local environment and the broader world.

from my visit to the WABE studio.
This blog is dedicated in part to the celebration of deeper exploration; in a world of superficial soundbites and 140-character essays, the reporting and analysis you'll hear day in and day out on Public Radio combine an open intention driven by understanding, rather than agendas with a drive to explore and share multiple facets of complex issues.

It's not a luxury - it's a vital public service.  And it is a service that a very limited number of people and institutions are trying to provide.  Perhaps most importantly, it's the publicly owned nature of NPR that facilitates this inquiry and openness - radio funded entirely by consumers, rather than advertisers, is beholden only to the people, whose distributed interests hold the purse strings.

If you'd like to hear the promotional pieces I recorded for the pledge drive and you don't happen to catch me on the radio, you can check them out here.  After you listen to those, please, please take a minute to make a contribution to WABE or your own public radio station.  If we don't own the people's radio, we'll all be poorer for it.

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