Friday, February 5, 2016

Extinction Music

I didn't want to pigeon-hole the creative energy flowing through the reflecting pool, so I've decided to mix things up yet again: February's Fiction Fridays will be presented in the form of dystopian sci-fi Elizabethan sonnets!  Presented for your reading pleasure, this month's first selection follows below.

Extinction Music

The shadows frame an otherworldly scene
of human aspirations overthrown:
Forever stilled the grinding of machines,
Forever lost electric humming tones.

For centuries our symphony had grown,
Expanding to include melodic lines
That steered our arc to swelling apex notes,
Precipitating, now, the end of time.

Beyond this brief caesura? Songs await.
The music re-establishes the beat
With new musicians raring to create
New harmonies from all of this debris.

The human theme will quickly disappear
from evolution's optimizing ear. 

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